Mount Engadine Lodge is a beautiful spot tucked away in Kananaskis country. We wanted to showcase the characteristics of what makes it unique through the use of heavy imagery. The adventurous space, amazing  environment, and the connection with natu

Mount Engadine

Mount Engadine Lodge is a beautiful spot tucked away in Kananaskis country. We wanted to showcase the characteristics of what makes it unique through the use of heavy imagery. The adventurous space, amazing environment, and the connection with nature all come together to make it a very special place. Take a moment and come on a journey through a day in the at Mount Engadine Lodge.

2015 Videographer Awards - Award of Excellence (Travel)

Filmed with the Sony FS700 (w Odyssey 7Q in 2K - 60fps) and the DJI Phantom 2 with GoPro Hero 4

Filmed, Directed and Produced by Two Words Productions

Additional filming, direction, aerials and edited by Locke Stock Creative

Music - A. Taylor - New Voyage (via MusicBed)